1st Management & HR Consultant Competency Based Integrated with Psychological Approach

HR consultant management, training & development, Ameris have established in Indonesia since 2000, provides a wide variety of Human Capital services.
HR Consultant & Development integrated with Psychological Approach.
We are HR Management Consultant with Comprehensive Competency Based!


Ameris Consultant & Development (was Talents Consulting in 2000) provides a wide variety of Human Capital services based on Jakarta, including:
Assessment, Human Resources Strategic, Organizational System & Development, Compensation Benefit & Remuneration improvement, Human Resources Audit, Corporate Training: in-house & outbound, Performance Management, Developing & Improving Competency Based Performance Indicator, Employee Satisfaction survey and many others.

Our logo
The word of AMERIS meaning: words of understanding/wisdom. It’s expresses our methods in doing business, and growing people through understanding, insight & inspiration.
The leaf of AMERIS meaning: growth and form of leaf similarly with heart, that symbolism of our core value HEART (Honesty – Empathy – Achievement – Reliability -Trustworthiness) and our mission.
Our logo also representing our core values: It expresses our vision, our mission and our passion to growing people with HEART and our campaign: human.heart
The purple colour is the colour of psychology and has meaning wisdom, heart & spirit.

Our logo is registered. You need our permission to use our logo.

Our Vision:
Be the leading management consulting firms by providing services with HEART.

Our Mission:
Together with our clients in improving their human resources competencies by developing and implementing strategies for human resources growth and managing changes which are effectively aligned with the individual company’s values and business strategy.

Our Core Value:
H = honesty
E = Empathy
A = Achievement
R = Reliability
T = Trustworthiness

Our consulting & training services can be provided on-site or off-site of a combination that best suits our client’s need.